Geology and Geophysics

SSP&A provides services in geology and geophysics as both stand-alone scopes of work and as components of multi-disciplinary projects.

Geology Capabilities

A thorough and nuanced understanding of local and regional geology can play a critical role in developing hydrogeologic conceptual models and in studying groundwater flow and contaminant fate and transport.

SSP&A's Geology services include:

  • Development and evaluation of 3D conceptual site models
  • Geologic modeling
  • Geologic site-characterization, investigations, and mapping
  • Field management, drilling, and oversight
  • Design and management of geologic databases
  • Interactive 3D geologic visualization

Geophysics Capabilities

Geophysical methods are increasingly used in site-characterization and hydrogeologic studies to provide continuous and detailed information of the subsurface. Incorporating geophysics at the outset of a project can improve project outcome and reduce overall costs. SSP&A has expertise in geophysical data collection, modeling, and interpretation of near-surface geophysical data and models.

Geophysical services include:

  • Assistance identifying benefits, limitations, and expected outcomes of geophysical methods for specific projects
  • Collection, modeling, analysis, and interpretation of geophysical data
  • Water-table imaging
  • Incorporation of a-prior information into geophysical modeling
  • Reprocessing and modeling of geophysical data
  • QA/QC of geophysical data, models, methodologies, and interpretations